Star Trek – Return Of The Crystaline Entity


Movie Fan Script By Jason MacKenzie –

// UPDATED: March 21, 2025 //


Referring to Public Domain Star Trek source material, these plots along with other plots on this page have similar plot themes in my material to differentiate my non-public domain original scripts.

For example, the Star Trek continum in my plots is a “multiverse format” that goes along with other public domain multiverse formats like Marvel Comics titles in the public domain.

This plot is generated from “STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, SEASON ONE EPISODES 1 – 10.”

In Stark Trek: The Next Generation Episode 4, when they first meet the Fergeni the Epispde is the “The Last Outpost”.

On the destroyed planet is supposed to be the Crystaline Entity crashed on the planet that The Enterprise revives trapping them by draining their energy to recover.

The materials on the planet are gold and crystaline, data dates the holographic projection which is the actual age of the Entity when is originally crashed and was trapped in holographic projector in the episode.

My point is, in my plots that is supposed to be on the Star Trek timeline continum dating the story of the Crystaline Entity to BEFORE the original Star Trek series story took place in the timeline, that rule applies to all my Star Trek scripts to “mirror” Marvel Comics Public Domain Multiverse material.

End of plot update.

An older Captain Picard on his death bed he thinks has been rejuvenated with an indefinite life span years after being captured by the Borg through his cybernetic implants.

Picard escapes The Federation on his peace mission and salvages the banned NCC-1701-D Star Ship from The Federation scrap yard to escape the reformed Crystaline Entity who blames the rejuvenated Captain Picard for it’s first destruction.

Seeking help Picard seeks out the Q Continuum to help him escape the entity and help him on his journey into his new indefinite future.

// Blog Note: Many titles now becoming public domain, Star Trek Series One video stream is available on the search on this blog, then novalizations of the series are also public domain soon.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is also starting to be listed on //

Fan script note: Many of my fan scripts focus on themes of plot continuity etc., for example many characters get thrown into life life spans with encounters with the Q etc., for example Picard and Data is separate stories and alternate futures still have story themes in common.

Chapter One – In Search Of The Sentiot

After escaping the Federation Picard now begins to relax…perhaps too much, thinking of his times with open surgery from the Borg with no pain medication when they replaced his human heart.

Picard…settling down from his escape, now in full command of the actual NCC-1701-D (Black Frame Version) Scrap Yard wear etc., also now appears younger…perhaps in his fiftes.

As he recovers in space in his banned Star Cruiser his thinks of his time as a gifted child on Earth…he fantasizes to himself of being a kid and stealing a star ship and faking his own crew…”Picard…come on”, the kids telling him to pilot the ship..”take the helm..let’s get out of here!”…Picard runs to helm laughing in his fantasy.

Picard out loud: “Enough of this.”

Picard: “I must find the Sentiot.”

Picard now complains of his perfect Earth mental health and calmness and needs to continimate it with a chemical he calls “The Sentiot” which allows him to break free of the planet’s sedation so he can focus on his space mission.

Picard plans to “rattle his nerves” by taking the Sentiot which breaks the mental grip of Star Fleet’s medications for his space travel.

The Sentiot although causes harsh nerve symptoms at times, help’s break the grip of forced perfect thoughts from the Federation.

Picard: “The Sentiot will help me focus and stay alert during my mission.”

Picard looks through his files on the Enterprise D.

Picard to himself: “I’ll have to start by making a few adjustments and customizations to the ship.”

Picard activates the holodeck crew to help him run the bridge of the Enterprise.

Picard: “A holodeck crew and cloaking device should be enough….now to find a target to extract the cloaking device, perhaps a small Klingon Freighter to attack.”

Picard: “Computer…activate holodeck set course for Klingon Perimeter A.”

Captain Picard now plots a course in the now banned Enterprise D for Klingon Space to get supplies for his mission.

Picard thinks of his age and of Captain Scott…found at the Dyson Sphere when he was 150+ years old by the same Enterprise…HIS Enterprise.

Now Picard himself an old man over 100 who has travelled through time and been young and old from his adventures and space travels, and time with the Borg.

Picard to himself: “The Dyson Sphere on the transporter saved Captain Scott preserving him for over 75 years.”

Q’s voice to Picard: “I told you Picard…hahahaha.”

Picard to himself: “Q didn’t say this would happen, time with the Borg and the Dyson Sphere have kept me young.”

Picard continues on his current course thinking of Q’s message.


Captain Picard and his obvious Holographic Bridge Crew on the Enterprise D now redeveloped now arrive at Plant Brekka.

Enterprise: “This is Captain Picard Of The USS Enterprise, I request permission to speak with the Chancellor.”

Planet Brekka Responding, “Captain PIcard…”

Picard Suprised: “Chancellor…”

Chancellor: ” No Captain Picard, she was my…Great Grandmother.”

Picard examining the young female chancellor: ” Yes, indeed.”

Picard: “I’m sure your Felicium supply is still is good order.”

Chancellor excited: “Yes, Captain…wonderful.”

Picard: “I’m afraid it’s not the same on the other end, yet I have approved your entrance to the Federation. Things are not the same today.

Picard: “This planet is too remote, when I recovered the Enterprise I found many missions were not complete because of the ongoing conflicts in the Federation, Earth is not the same today….however, I still have all the information that was undelivered in the battles if Earth was not interested,”

Chancellor: “Yes Captain Picard you are doing quite well.”

Brekka Male Counterpart to the Chancellor: “You can always stay with us Picard and we thank you for the vaccine supply.”

Picard: “There is no time for that today however, I must continue my evaluation of the region during the Earth outage. Have you ever seen the Enterprise A?”

Picard: “It was lost near this region over a hundred years ago, I would be interested in it’s path and recovery.”

Picard: “This is a strange region of space, and this is an impenetrable safe planet. Captain Scott from the Enterprise was trapped here in a “Dyson Sphere” for Seventy Five Years and the “Copy” of WIll Riker was killed by Captain Kirk from the Enterprise A during this.”

Picard: “I am attempting to the recover the data from their mission and retrive information from the Enterprise A. Just remember the Enterprise A, is a banned contaminated ship lost in this region of space under Captain James Kirk and Engineer “Scotty” or Caption Scott from the “Dyson Sphere.”

Chancellor: “Yes, Captain Picard we will be careful.”

Picard: “Judging from the state of Earth today I wouldn’t be surprised if Captain Scott killed them all to save his own life.”

Chancellor and counterpart: ” Yes, Captain…a likely scenario.”

Planet Brekka is satisfied with Picard’s explanation.

Picard: “Stay safe and I will return for your Federation support.’

Chancellor: ‘Yes Captain Picard.”

Picard closes screen and leave on new course with the Enterprise D.