Movie Scripts


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Original Movie Scripts By Jason MacKenzie

Movie scripts I am working on right now.

Night Of The Living Dead

Based on public domain version.

// Updated September 21, 2023 //

Night Of The Living Dead Movie


Visit Night Of The Living Dead Movie page to view our file for the film.

This page will contain a “fan script” for re-write of the movie with details about our version of the script.

Blackout ’77

New York gangs in the 1970’s move in to the South Bronx to kill all the club owners and assume their positions while looting New York and fighting the police to their death during the New York Blackout of 1977.

Updated July 11, 2022

Based on real events.

Grandma Goes Back To School

England loses the education system again!

When grandma only looks 26 they send her back to the gifted elementary school where she used to work undercover as a secret agent at in the 1960’s to save the class after England loses the education system again.

Example Dialog:

Kid: “Grandma, you got your old job back at the elementary school!”

Kid: “Grandma, you’ll have to teach them all how to read again from England!”

Grandma to Bus Driver – pulls gun out of purse: “Bus driver, take me to the school!”

Teenagers From Outer Space / Space Command Test Script – Book 2 – Based On Public Domain Version – Character Background Adaptations For Book Plot.

Follow along with this script by watching along with the public domain film “Teenagers From Outer Space” for a test script for my book series “Space Command by Jason MacKenzie”.

A escaped criminal from another planet crashes on Earth killing a dog to test his weapon and escapes leaving the rest of the group trapped behind.

After the the blast the humans must now process each others chemicals from different planets as their bodies chemicals pass through each other revealing the truth in each other as they absorb each others chemicals.

Left behind, the other escaped criminals from another planet are abandoned alone to defend for themself after the space fugitive escapes the humans.

9/11/2033 – Revenge Of WTC1

The world’s economy now ruled from New York City with only one World Trade Center Tower the new globalist economy has moved forward moving the Southern US States into Central America while replanting the North.

Now the world must face the revenge of WTC1!

Potential Sequels: 9/11/2033 – “The Return Of WTC2”, “Attack Of The Temporary Tower WTC3”

Movie Fan Scripts By Jason MacKenzie

These are fan movie / book plots I am working on, maybe someday I will sell them and they will become a real movie, for character development etc. while I also work on my own original material, like a list of fan undeveloped movie plots etc.

Friday The 13th Fan Scripts – Full Friday The 13th Movie Fan Scripts Here

//Update: Friday The 13th (Part 8 Available on the page) Released As Public Domain On, follow this page blog for my versions//

Friday The 13th: The Curse Of Pamela Voorhees

A psychic teenager must put Jason Voorhees back into Crystal Lake after it is revealed that Pamela Voorhees Jason’s mother was a witch who put a spell on herself at Camp Crystal Lake built in the 1930’s during the great depression to resurrect her dead son from the lake to avenge her if she was killed.

Friday The 13th: Theme Park Of Terror

A group of young adults visit a new theme park near old Camp Crystal Lake where a young boy drowned when they we little. A trip back to the camp awakens Jason Voorhees who follows them to the theme park seeking teenage victims.

Friday The 13th: The Return Of Jason Voorhees

Jason escapes Crystal Lake and follows teenagers to a Heavy Metal concert where he meets the band and the fans backstage to kill everyone at the concert, the North East enters a lock down as the government must face the public return as Jason again is outed into the public.

Friday The 13th: “A New Beginning” Fan Re-Write

Confusion about who is the real Jason Voorhies breaks out with the police after the parent of a murdered kid with Tommy Jarvis sent to the institution after killing Jason Voorhies is found dressed as the killer.

As the patients and others begin to copy Tommy’s behavior they begin creating conflicts with him, trying to out do his toughness and get a bigger piece of Jason Vorhees than Tommy in the fight (continuing into “Jason Lives” ) as hysteria begins in the towns, the killings begin leading to the copycat killer emergence of Roy Burns, Jason Voorhees copycat killer caused by Tommy’s arrival at the hospital retreat, the police blame Tommy for being the killer while the real Jason has potentially escaped his body somehow ending up back in the ground before the next movie, “Jason Lives” or is Jason himself disembodied and jumping from person to person as the real killer.

Meanwhile, Tommy recovering from trauma of killing Jason Voorhies, realizes he has been sent to a recovery home near Crystal Lake where the female doctor running the house has troubled youth from the city living there and her therapy includes doing drugs with the patients and getting to know them better at home in a family environment at the house.

Tommy reveals in therapy at the house that after “The Final Chapter” Jason Voorhees escaped from the grave when he was still a kid, like in the opening Friday The 13th: “A New Beginning” dream sequence, was an actual event…

This leads to a new fan fiction story line event, out of his grave for Friday The 13th: A New Beginning Jason Voorhees spawns new copycat serial killer ambulance driver Roy Burns, later Jason Voorhees is put back in his grave before the “Jason Lives” story line.

A New Beginning: Part 2 – Movie Fan Script Based On “Friday The 13th: A New Beginning”

Ambulance driver Roy Burns becomes a Jason Voorhees copycat and continues his serial killing spree in “A New Beginning Part 2” , seperate from “Friday The 13th: A New Beginning”.

This series continues with Roy Burns as the serial killer while Jason Voorhees leaves this plot direction.

Star Wars Fan Scripts – Click Here For Full Fan Script

/ UPDATED: November 7, 2024 //

Star Wars – THE RETURN OF DARTH VADER – Fan Script Page

NEWS: Star Wars released on public domain on , follow this page for my versions.

This fan script series is for character development examples and is not listed as an episode list, this is a fan series title development script under “The Return Of Darth Vader” series with an indefinite title list not connected to “Star Wars” series episode list under the fan multiverse section.

Luke Skywalker gets his hand back and refuses to fight, while Darth Vader has been cloned and put back into his body returning from the force and has now become “Cyborg Darth Vader” with 1/3 of his body grown back with a smaller more exposed Darth Vader costume.

Star Wars – The Return Of Darth Vader Part One – “The Purpose Of The Force”

/ UPDATED: November 7, 2024 //

Stormtroopers clone Darth Vader and bring him back to life inside a regeneration tank pulling him from the good side of the force back into his old body returning him to the dark side in his original suit which has been reconstructed.

Emperor: “Ahhhh, what have you done?”

Seeing in the force the time line change.

Emperor: “Luke has returned from the future of the force.”

Emperor: “Vader….”

Stormtrooper: “Lord Vader has returned.”

Emperor: “Wake him.”

// The Multiverse Effect creates new variations of the events across the Star Wars multiverse, including stories of old returned Jedi’s cloned back into their bodies from old DNA samples. //

Star Wars – The Return Of Darth Vader – Part Two – “Luke Get’s His Hand Back”

A disembodied Luke Skywalker from the future in the good side of the force travels back in time to the first movie to instruct Ben to stop him from turning to the dark side in is quest to stop Darth Vader.

Luke’s Return: During the Darth Vader / Luke Skywalker Light Sabre match at the end of “The Empire Strikes Back” Luke get’s his chance and is returned to his body while facing Darth Vader.

Pilot Cut From First Movie: “Luke!” Shooting Darth Vader in the left side of the stomach.

Darth Vader’s suit malfunctioning pulls the gun from the pilot, not having his full grasp, Luke getting his chance escapes to safety with the pilot escaping in their X-Wing.

Luke leaves Ben behind in some kind of early “dark side” he believes to himself, keeping his hand and continuing on as a Jedi refusing to fight with his new power.

Ben: “Luke, noooooooooo!”…vanishing into the force from Luke.

Luke to Pilot: “Let’s get outta here.” Nodding to the X-Wing and getting his second chance.

Luke To Pilot, revolted: “They said it was my father.”

Pilot giving advice to Luke: “No Luke, that’s just a machine.” Clasping his arm.

Luke shooting Darth Vader in the chest deactivating him: “Disgusting.”

The two leave in the X-Wing Fighter, Luke decides to return to his X-Wing unit with his friends to abandon the rebels and leave the rebellion and decides to use the force to be a fighter pilot, saving his light sabre just in case.

Pilot to Luke: “Their going to regenerate him.”

Luke: “They’ll try and be back.” sickened.

Later at the Death Star…..

Minion referring to Luke: “That’s no Jedi, that’s just a pilot with a machine for a father…ahhhhh”, strangled by a reactivated Darth Vader.

Emperor: “We must find this new force of young Skywalker.”

Darth Vader infuriated wanting his full body back: “Ahhhhhh, I need to return to light of the force to get my body back like Luke.”

Darth Vader becoming impatient: “I have just returned from the light with Ben who has been lost in the force, now I am trapped too far into the Dark Side to grow my limbs back ahhhhhhh.”

Darth Vader then following the path of Luke Skywalker begins his journey back into the light of the force to regenerate his limbs by not fighting, growing one third of his limbs back has to update his suit.

//UPDATE: DARTH VADER has new suit constructed, the same with one third of his body restored in a new partial cyborg suit with different arms and legs, some parts open to reveal the gears on the new suit with the the same black with grey updates and new robotics because of his new limb growth has reduced the size of his costume.//

Darth Vader returns to lead the Empire for the Emperor partially regenerated, avoiding the part of the dark side his has escaped from searching for Luke who has escaped with his friends from the Rebellion Academy and abandoned the Republic.

Star Wars – The Return Of Darth Vader Part 3 – “The Dark Side Revealed”

Instructing Ben from the future in the force Luke Skywalker must re-enter his own body before the final scenes in “The Empire Strikes Back” to when he was younger to follow Darth Vader who has returned from the Dark Side.

There he must return to his body and stop his hand from being cut off, it is revealed to Luke that the true nature of the force is that Jedi can’t see in the Dark Side because they are fighting blind similar to being in a “dark closet” with their eyes closed, anyone entering the Dark Side becomes instantly deformed because they are blind upon entry when attacked by the Sith.

The Jedi can’t see in the Dark Side when they enter so they become blind victims of the Sith, Luke must re-enter his body before he sticks his hand into the Dark Side which was cut off by Darth Vader to save his hand and himself from being lost in the Dark Side forever with a re-embodied Darth Vader.

Luke Skywalker Dialog:

Young Jedi Student: “Where’s R2-D2?”

Luke Skywalker – Working On Restoring His Original X-Wing Fighter: ” Oh, old R2? We stripped him down for parts years ago.”

Referring to correcting his path away from the Dark Side.

Luke and his friends find out that Han Solo has be an senior undercover Republic agent the whole time and has been re-posted to his Starship Command to find out what happened to Luke and his missing pilot friends.

Star Wars: Not The Real Boba Fett

Boba Fett finds out that he is not the real Boba Fett and was a decoy from the cloning program to lure Luke Skywalker in Jaba’s Palace where he was to be killed as a setup to capture the hero has planned his escape.

Returning from what Luke now thinks was some kind of dark side he was trapped in by listening to Ben now has his hand back. Returning to his old X-Wing he now meets the real Boba Fett who was part of an old military life extension program from a defeated empire who helped develop the original X-Wing Fighter Luke has now modified that have now been banned from the Republic.

Returning from the “dark side” Luke now believes has been given his life back and now learns his true destiny was to fight….

Luke refuses to fight after being trapped in the dark side…Luke’s dark side, now must face the real Boba Fett trying to capture him.

Rocky: Rocky Get’s His Money Back

Years after retirement, being poor and the death of his first wife Rocky takes part in an exhibition match with the current Heavy Weight Champion with the belt on the line and is mocked in the crowd by Ivan Drago who has come to bet against Rocky claiming to his friends that he’s the one that retired Rocky by giving him “the stinger” during the match with a lead weight hidden in his boxing glove during the mock bet.

In a desperate moment during the match Rocky knocks out the Champion with a dirty blow, winning the belt and the bet and getting all his money back humiliating Ivan Drago on live ESPN turning Rocky into the most hated man in sports and igniting a new feud with Ivan Drago.

“Bad Guy Rocky” becomes his new moniker around town as Rocky’s greed goes to his head with his new found fame as he forgets everyone one from the past except for Pauly and his mob friends who “think he’s doing a great job for everyone” and to keep up the good work.

Rocky retires rich with the belt forgetting his past and has recovered from the stinger, years of boxing and working out have turned the old men to steel and their feud continues into older age in their grudge match and their illegal tactics that were banned since the 1980’s.

This leads to new feud of old time boxing and a re-match as the group heads into retirement.

Pauly (always drunk): “You ain’t nobody “Rock.””

Pauly: “You got nothing.”

Rocky: “I trained the champ! No one gives me respect anymore!”

Pauly: “Hahahaha, you didn’t train Tommy, he’s the champ , someone else did….hahahah.”

Rocky: “I got him started in Professional Boxing!”

Pauly: “No you didn’t liar! Someone else got him the shot…you don’t need to thank the people that got you started anyway “Rock”..ya got it….you never trained the champion…you’re a liar! hhahahahaha.”

Rocky: “Screw you Pauly!”

Rocky runs into the streets of the hood yelling and hitting things.

Pauly yelling in the street in public to Rocky: “You never trained the champ liar, you’re a loser…run away liar….I’m going put Tommy’s picture up, he really did good Rock no thanks to you, why don’t you go get your money back loser, hahahahhaa.”

Public: “Hahahahaha.”…all laughing at Rocky.

Rocky running away: “Screw you Pauly!

Rocky leaves….

Later, Rocky mad walking around the City blocks near ally’s etc.

Rocky thinking, has flashbacks to 1985(?) with his fight with Ivan Drago.

Rocky mad, yelling to himself..”I can’t remember the fight….ahhhhh.”

Rocky starts having flashbacks to 1985 he thinks, mostly of getting punched by Ivan Drago.

Rocky talking to himself: “The fight, I couldn’t see him…I couldn’t see him!”

Rocky in the ally to himself..picks up garbage can lid: “I’m from the streets…that’s where the real Rocky lives!” hitting himself in the chest.

Rocky to himself: “This is rich to me, living here…I mean for me where I’m from, Pauly…he don’t know nothing.”

Rocky kicking the ground, air punching the brick wall behind the garbage can lid.

Rocky to himself: “This is rich to me Pauly! Where I’m from…the streets in the hood Pauly….you don’t understand, that’s where I’m rich!”

Rocky having flashbacks….

A voice of some old man he can’t remember…”You’re a bum Rocky, you’re always going to be a bum.”

Rocky to himself: “No one did nothing for me Pauly, you want that money…you gonna send me down and get that money. I never wanted to say about the fight in Russia Pauly….”

Rocky shadow boxing the brick wall…

Rocky to himself: “I’m the winner!”

Rocky surprises himself with excitement…suddenly every thing becomes too quiet when he calms down.

Rocky to himself: “Pauly, drunk every day with no money.”

Rocky to himself: “If you want the money for the fight Pauly all you gotta do is ask.”

A sudden silence surrounds Rocky.

Rocky to himself: “I’m rich right now, just me and the streets.”

Rocky begins getting excited about the big fight in 1985(?).

Rocky scoffing off Pauly to himself, thinking about what year it is today.

Rocky talking to himself: “You know, I can’t really remember anything that stuff anymore.”

Rocky thinking privately to himself: “I’m gonna do the fight for Pauly’s money.”

Rocky, thinking about the silence of the streets.

Rocky, knowing to himself he’s going to get back in the ring.

Rocky out loud to himself: “I’m retiring with the belt, then Pauly will get his money….ten maybe twenty five matches, the one win on the run for the belt and I’m retied…with the Championship belt.”

Rocky looks over his shoulder back at the ally thinking about his leather jacket…

Rocky, out loud to himself…”Poor people don’t have leather jacket’s Pauly.”

Rocky leaves, planning his future retirement with the Heavy Weight Championship Belt.

Three’s Company: The Movie

After Jack gets out of the Navy he needs a new place to stay for cooking school while Mr. Roper tries to beat his drunk driving charges at the Municipal Court, Larry tries to get Jack to live with Janet and Chrissy when he finds out the girls can’t cook and Jack is enrolled at cooking school.

Janet and Chrissy must help their old roommate Cindy move out and find her a new apartment while still covering this month’s rent and still have to help get Mr. Roper out of his drunk driving charges while trying to find someone to cook supper for a big guest coming to visit their apartment later this week.

Cindy let’s Jack stay in her old room with Chrissy while she’s going to be away while they try and convince Mr. Roper to go along with the plan.

Star Trek: Data

Data awakens in a lost Starfleet Space Shuttle millions of years in the future in Star Trek after being preserved in a cryogenic state in the vacuum of outer space inside the shuttle.

Awakening, he continues his journey into the future of the Star Trek Multiverse finding out that he himself is actually Dr. Soon and that he has trapped himself in an android body and is now lost in the future of Star Trek.

In the future Data notices a strange plot in nature when old scripts of stories he once encountered or heard about in the past in Starfleet and becomes wrapped up in the events studying the plot lines.

Calculating the time and biological events in the Universe since going into stasis for millions of years that through basic probability some story lines similar to his in the past must exist in the future.

In his quest to become more human, after realizing he is the real Dr. Soon brain in his android body, he secretly maps the similar story lines to live in his own “Starfleet” story line of the future while not revealing this to the rest of the characters, dropping and replacing people he meets to build his own version of his past with the best possible characters for his continuation into the future in his own secret Starfleet like social life from the past.

Star Trek: Return Of The Crystaline Entity

// UPDATED: March 21, 2025 //

An older Captain Picard on his death bed he thinks has been rejuvenated with an indefinite life span years after being captured by the Borg through his cybernetic implants.

Picard escapes The Federation on his peace mission and salvages the banned NCC-1701-D Star Ship from The Federation scrap yard to escape the reformed Crystaline Entity who blames the rejuvenated Captain Picard for it’s first destruction.

Seeking help Picard seeks out the Q Continuum to help him escape the entity and help him on his journey into his new indefinite future.

// Blog Note: Many titles now becoming public domain, Star Trek Series One video stream is available on the search on this blog, then novalizations of the series are also public domain soon.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is also starting to be listed on //

Fan script note: Many of my fan scripts focus on themes of plot continuity etc., for example many characters get thrown into life life spans with encounters with the Q etc., for example Picard and Data is separate stories and alternate futures still have story themes in common.

Chapter One – In Search Of The Sentiot

After escaping the Federation Picard now begins to relax…perhaps too much, thinking of his times with open surgery from the Borg with no pain medication when they replaced his human heart.

Picard…settling down from his escape, now in full command of the actual NCC-1701-D (Black Frame Version) Scrap Yard wear etc., also now appears younger…perhaps in his fiftes.

As he recovers in space in his banned Star Cruiser his thinks of his time as a gifted child on Earth…he fantasizes to himself of being a kid and stealing a star ship and faking his own crew…”Picard…come on”, the kids telling him to pilot the ship..”take the helm..let’s get out of here!”…Picard runs to helm laughing in his fantasy.

Picard out loud: “Enough of this.”

Picard: “I must find the Sentiot.”

Picard now complains of his perfect Earth mental health and calmness and needs to continimate it with a chemical he calls “The Sentiot” which allows him to break free of the planet’s sedation so he can focus on his space mission.

Picard plans to “rattle his nerves” by taking the Sentiot which breaks the mental grip of Star Fleet’s medications for his space travel.

The Sentiot although causes harsh nerve symptoms at times, help’s break the grip of forced perfect thoughts from the Federation.

Picard: “The Sentiot will help me focus and stay alert during my mission.”

Robocop: Delta City

Delayed by decades the construction of Delta City begins to catch up to Old Detroit.

As OCP Corporation takes control of the police in Old Detroit crooked executives fight for control of the streets for the illegal drug supply in Old Detroit while trying to secure their position as a crime boss in Delta City.

Old Detroit becomes a safe haven for fugitives and criminals from New York and other abandoned hoods (Blackout ’77) as criminals fight their way into Delta City looking for a top crime position as the Delta City economy opens.

Unheard of in Old Detroit in the future, the remains of Robocop are found in an old garbage dump…his records long lost because of the construction of Delta City.

Criminal scientists using cloning technology bring Robocop back to life by growing his skin and brain back.

Reactivated, he continues his journey to police Old Detroit and protect the new Delta City.

Clarence Boddicker the boss of Old Detroit tries to make it big in Delta City by becoming a criminal kingpin with his own Skyscraper as Delta City begins to run New Detroit but must face his old rival Robocop.

Example Dialog:

Clarence sees Robocop for the first time reactivated:

Clarence: “What the f**k is that thing doing here?”

Gang Member: “Someone grew it’s skin back.”

Clarence: “What the f**k would they do that for!?”

Clarence must reactivate his old weapons from OCP from the time period that Robocop was created in to kill him for good on his way to the top in Delta City.

Clarence To Murphy: “No charges filed.”

Large explosion from Clarence’s gun, Murphy’s head explodes for him to become Robocop.

Years later, Robocop has been regenerated.

Clarence finds out that someone has attached Robocop to an invisible microchip in his brain and the cyborg keeps regenerating itself and coming after him.

The gang finds out that Murphy might have did it himself in case he got killed and they try to seek out the scientist responsible.

Gang Member: “Who the f**ck is this guy? Where does he keep coming from?

Back in Old Detroit:

Clarence on video phone to gang member: “I’m coming in to take over Delta City…I’m gonna put a new microchip in my brain and then extract the plans for the Robocop machine…with the plans I can build my own cyborg.”

Gang Member: “Right away boss.”

Clarence: “I’m putting the chip in now…I’m gonna take a walk around and start mapping the prints for the Cyborg by recording the landscape for the video framework for the robot eye, when I extract the recording we can use it for the video display in the new Cyborg.”

Hangs up.

Gang Member on video phone to other gang members: “Clarence says he’s going in to Delta City and is making his new Robocop brain right now, by taping everything with a microchip in his head.”

Superman: On Even Terms

**********Update: Superman while disembodied trapped in the chemicals of the planet “becomes more human”, he realizes he shouldn’t have told people when younger that Kryptonite kills him stays disembodied while reliving his mistakes in the Earth’s chemicals…making him more human like.

Later, everyone has forgotten about Kryptonite when characters like Batman are older and now everyone thinks that it’s Batman’s bullets for his gun that hurts Superman…which is actually cooled Kryptonite bullets that only harm Superman temporarily.

However, this has led to Superman losing ground to Batman in Gotham with a weapon that hurts him (cooled Kryptonite bullets), other characters with experiences with people dying around them when they were young were later (like Spider-Man in my Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends fan script) just from trauma from war and combat,

Batman’s real childhood in this fan script was normal and Bruce Wayne only thinks they died from a gang hit because he was insane from a war before he became Batman and didn’t remember, with Super-Man disembodied other characters experience effects reliving their past and remembering things along with Superman who is trapped in the chemicals thinking about his past.******

Military scientists discover a strange grey metallic material that hurts Superman like knives stabbing him, they learn that this material is Kryptonite a strange element from another planet like the uranium core of Krypton that subdues Supermans power.

Now they must decide how to handle the situation with Superman…on even terms.

Scene 1 – Superman explodes and dies over the skies of Metropolis.

Batman: “They got him! They shot Superman!”

Crowd astonished, after Superman has exploded in the opening sequence after being shot by a cooled kryptonite military shell.

A still quiet has developed in a new world without Superman, as villains secretly divide up their new territories.

Superman: “What happened, I just exploded…ahh ahhh…I must be trapped in the chemicals of the planets atmosphere.”

Superman: “ahh, ahh…I must get out of here.”

Superman now exploded and trapped in the chemicals of the planet experiences some kind of death like vision in his head as his life flashes before him…now he must put himself back together and return to the solid part of the planet.

Superman then begins the journey to reconstruct himself while trapped inside the chemicals of the Earth where he relives stories of his past and faces his inner consciousness.

Then he becomes a stronger Superman who has become more adapted to the Earth but now faces cooled Kryptonie bullets invented by Bruce Wayne who has now begun using his handgun to protect himself from Superman which ignites a war between the two as Batman and Superman’s enemies arm themselves with Bruce Waynes Krytonite bullets.

Superman (disembodied in the chemicals of the planet): “Why did I tell them it was Kryptonite?”

Superman: “If I could only go back and fix it…..ahhhhh”.


Bruce Wayne unconvinced on the final demise of Superman creates an unofficial agreement with crime figures and villains to help him create his cooled Kryponite bullets by allowing other scientists to help him in the research lab.

Bruce Wayne: “We need to find out what happened to Superman’s body, he could be back.”

Bullet Customer: “How will you hide these cooled bullets from Superman if he returns?”

Bruce Wayne: “The bullets come in a Radioactive Kryptonite Case and the gun itself is live Kryptonite inside steel, he won’t be able to detect the gun without coming in contact with the Kryptonite.

This new “alliance” ignites a war between Gotham and Metropolis in Superman’s absence as Bruce Wayne rises to new power in a world without Superman.

Superman (disembodied in the chemicals of the planet): “I can feel myself getting younger inside the planet’s chemicals.”

Superman (disembodied): “How much time has gone by? Maybe someday they will forget about my weakness when I am old….maybe I should hide when I return until they forget, then to live a normal life….ahhhhh, my head…..maybe someday”.

Superman continue to deal with the struggles of his unresolved issues of the past while rejuvinating the chemicals of the planet realizing he will always be young on Earth as other’s age.”

Superman (disembodied): “So many people have come and gone it has been so long, I have forgotten them.”

He continues to relive stories of his past trying to deal with the issues to live into the future on Earth…planning his escape from his weakness.

Superman (disembodied): “Someday they will forget and I will be young again in the future on Earth.”

Superman: “Ahhh, the explosion from Krypton…..the blast propelled me to the Earth, fighting it making me stonger…ahhh, now I am trapped in the chemicals of the Earth.”

A disembodied Superman has created a new feeling in the Earth from Superman….time begins to thicken and slow down.

Bruce Wayne: “I can’t take it…it’s too quiet and sunny….and so peaceful, perhaps like Krypton? Ahhh..why do I keep saying things like that.”

Bruce Wayne: “The time without Superman….it is so slow.”

Bruce Wayne: “The decompression….without Superman….I can’t take it!”

Bruce Wayne: “Alfred….how long have I been doing this?”

Alfred: “A long time Bruce…since you were young.”

Bruce Wayne: “Since before Superman?”

Alfred: “Yes, Bruce…you’re a soldier…from a long time ago…”

Bruce Wayne: “When Alfred?”

Alfred: “I don’t know Bruce, you’re a Soldier from a war a long time ago.”

Bruce Wayne: “I can’t remember, it’s been too long.”

Alfred: “No one you ever knew is alive any more Bruce…hahaha.”

Bruce Wayne: “I don’t know Alfred, I can’t remember…it’s too quiet with Superman not here….it’s getting so long.”

Alfred: “You need rest Bruce, from being Batman.”

Bruce ponders returning to regular life

Joker: “Why is it so quiet?…Ahhhhhhhhh!”

//Gotham learns that the Bruce Wayne “Batman Comic” is becoming public domain.

Alfred gets bent out of shape when Bruce Wayne begins talking about using a gun when he first started.

Bruce Wayne: “So what?”

Alfred: “Then banned the gun then Bruce.”

Bruce: Wayne “Yeah, but I got what I wanted.”

Bruce: “Now, I’m Batman.”

Alfred begins to take a more assertive role against the gun in the script.

The Patriot: War Of 1812

Based on “The Patriot” 2000.

After losing members of his family in 1776 a much older man now The Patriot learns that George Washington’s army is about to be defeated by England after siding with the French under Marie Antoinette and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Again leading America’s free army The Patriot must again save the United States as the old army from the American Revolution is defeated by England as 1812 approaches.

Secretly he learns from his British Inquisition that he has been running his own free country separate from George Washington’s defeated army.

He learns of the plan to place the Native Americans on reservations and must decide to try and keep his own free country inside George Washington’s United States or face a new America under British rule.

Point Break 2: Johnny’s Return

When the Ex-Presidents run out of places to run Bodie and the gang turn to Special Agent Johnny Utah for another wild adventure into bank robberies, sky diving and football.

Example Dialog:

Bodie:”Johnny, let’s go….hahahaha, I got no where to run!”

Gang Member: “Get on the plane Johnny, we got a football game to catch.”

Johnny Utah: “Woah….I gotta call in to the department!”

Bodie shaking his finger at Utah: “Not this time Johnny! Hahahhahaa”.

Johnny (Thinking to himself): “I got keep faking this knee injury to get undercover.”

Bodie: “Blaalalalalalla ahahahahhaa.”

Johnny – Hitting himself in the leg: “Ahhhhh, my knee…I can’t get up too fast, this old sports injury is cramping my leg.”

Gang Member: “Work it out man, Johnny come on!’

Bodie – coming over to Johnny: “What is it Johnny?”

Gang Member: “He’s all cramped up….he can’t run like that!”

Bodie: “Stretch it out Johnny, we’ll work out before we get going.”

Bodie to gang: “Everybody work out with Johnny, we can’t be getting up too fast when we’re running.”

Bodie to Johnny: “You’re all we got Johnny, you keep that leg uncramped.”

Johnny: “Woahhhh, just slow down Bodie….I can’t get up that fast!”

Bodie patting Johnny on the back walking away.

Johnny to himself: “Yes.” Pumps fist.

Johnny on secret transmitter: “Pappas…I’m in, it’s Bodie…”

Pappas: “All clear rookie.”

The Shawshank Redemption Part 2 – Return To Shawshank

When Red shows up at the the end of the first movie to meet with Andy on the beach in Mexico the pair gets arrested when Red get’s tailed by the police.

Now the pair have to escape again on the trip back or face a return to Shawshank Prison!

Example Dialog:

Andy: “Red! Wadda doing?!!!”

Red: “I dunno Andy, they musta followed me down to Mexico.”

Red: “You got this don’t ya?”

Andy: “What?”

Red: “You got this?”

Andy: “Wadda mean?”

Red: “The cops….you got that covered….the ones following me?”

Andy: “….let’s get outta here!” – Points to escape route.