Product Review: Toys R Us – Dungeons & Dragons Toy Section

It’s good to see the Summer starting on the first days of Spring, everyone’s gearing up for some camping and waterpark fun (?) up at the Dartmouth Crossing Hilton…
Over at the Toys R Us they now have a whole Dungeons & Dragons Section, plus a new Denny’s restaurant coming in (?), they have new toys from the Dungeons & Dragons Movies “Honor Among Thieves” and a whole sold out section of Dungeons & Dragons books etc.
They have dice sets, and a book store section for all the Dungeons & Dragons Hardcover books with a display setup of new Dungeons & Dragons toys and products for all ages, babies, youth etc. in various designs and characters, coloring books and all that probably.

The section looks good and the area is a main stop in Halifax Area, however most of this was already sold out when I was there.
They still have some books and various toys, including original toy remakes, I was pretty impressed with the display, making Toys R Us a permanent stop on my Dungeons & Dragons shopping trips.