New GI Joe Action Figure Re-prints Available At Toys R Us

Just in time for Christmas are new GI Joe re-print 1980’s action figures available at Toys R Us is the main store I saw.
These were $22.99 each for a regular action figure size toy, at Wal-Mart the Star Wars re-print toys on Official Kenner were regular price.

I give these “Hasbro licensed reprint’s” a -7 release presentation wanting to see six more versions before the original prototype for the store launch from my company when I get money like that.
Still not a bad toy, just a bad looking concept with not much commercial value….the collectable company version at $22.99 is just too small of a toy line run to make it a commercial line like the new Star Wars Kenner Toys.
These GI Joe toys, I assume are official versions from Toys R Us, are still a pretty good run…but I don’t see much collectable value, more like a box of old toys in the house and these are every one of them.
No where close to a commercial GI Joe Kenner toy, which could be a real collectable, from working on the stock market I would say this is prototype -7 with six more versions until the presentation model for a Kenner version like the new Star Wars, so you want them…but you don’t want to pay…then they are there if you really need to have one.