D20 RPG: How To Practice Rolling New Ability Score Adjustments For Above Ability Score Level 18 In “Unearthed Arcana”.

Yeah, it’s a mouthful…but I mean, why “level up” or “boost jump” into the higher levels using easier game functions that actually slow down game play.
That’s why in Dragon Adventures D20 RPG Beta I added new ability score adjustments which means updating all previous calculations on the characters “character sheet”.
For example a strength bonus from 18 to 19, for example means updating all “edged weapons” for example with new bonuses…in a manual process.
That’s too hard, other RPG give you “feats” or automatic jumps using an automatic +1 or +2 to several boxes with no character sheet conversions.
Meaning, you get the bigger character’s “trait’s” but not not a full character sheet expansion.
By using new Ability Score modifiers in Dragon Adventures adding a 19 to the character sheet means an AUTOMATIC conversion across all weapons with one new simple modifier.
The ability score modifier includes a new list of +/- calculations as a “character sheet” update from the Players Handbook for playing above ability score level 18 like in “Unearthed Arcana”.
What that means is the new +/- automatically is placed on your specific weapons as a character sheet slot update to hold the new HIGHER +/- values of your character sheet on your “edged weapons” slot for example.
The list is not made yet but you can manually do this yourself by taking your ability score 18 character and making it a 19 ability score character, then manually practice the calculations yourself on each weapon and bonus.
Remember, gaining a bonus by “leveling up” to get a larger weapon is NOT the same as earning one of the same value or higher with a new ability score bonus, the new weapon PLAYS at a higher game level than the other method meaning you can hit higher level characters SOONER in lower levels by using higher ability scores and new weapon modifiers.
For example in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons a “monster character” stuck below the tenth level may receive a new ability score over 18 that allows it to hit at level 12 setting on some characters for example on the 8th level.
This “hitting across” allows the traditional character to access higher game functions of the 12th level villains by using new high level ability score adjustments to “hit across the gap”, gaining higher levels of advancement equal to the human characters with the new ability score adjustments.
To practice do the following:
Choose your weapons and monsters to practice on at any level in the monster manual.
Then adjust difficulty settings by changing the hit dice settings of the monsters while you practice hitting them by adjusting your ability score bonus to over 19, then just test values on the different weapons to see if you can find a method to start hitting at the higher level armor class.
For example, I found maybe that rolling 2d10 + 1- 33 on the d100 , one difficulty setting to hit from the seventh level armor class to a twelve level armor class.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Level 7 Ghoul
Rolls 2d10 + 1 – 33 on the d100 and hits a value including +7 weapon bonus, that you made up, to simulate hitting the level 12 armor class.
To practice your own test game rolling.
Then practice this to “build” your own values for your RPG setting based off your test rolls at different strength levels for each creature.
Dragon Adventures uses these rule settings to test ability score adjustment bonuses.
Level Difficulty:
Change difficulty of the level by lowering the monsters hit dice to smaller dice values for example from d10 to d4.
Then add bonuses for ability score values 19 – 25 for example starting at +6 and going to +12 for strength 25 on your weapon or damage bonus.
Then practice this pattern to learn how to adjust the ability score adjustment values up and down.
Change difficulty level from lowest to highest.
d4 = +6 Score Adjustment for Ability Score 19
d6 = + 7 Score Adjustment for Ability Score 20.
Then fight monsters like that using the bonuses you generate and then practice fighting them different hit dice values for different hit point values to “simulate” fighting stronger or weaker character in higher or lower levels of the game, by adjusting their hit point levels to your different made up ability score adjustment bonuses on your practice settings.