Dungeons & Dragons 5E: How To Use New Multiverse Rules with Players Handbook

Here’s a quick setup for running Dungeons & Dragons 5E on the new “Monsters Of The Multiverse” Expansion rule set, along with Xanathar’s Guide To Everything, Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything, Volo’s Guide To Monsters and Monsters Of The Multiverse.
These are the expansion rule books for the Dungeons & Dragons 5E Players Handbook.
This gives you an idea of what 6E will look like is what they are saying.
Only use monsters from this set of books, then you can play with new Character and Monster Races and also use new monsters listed in these books.
Looking at the Fighter Class start with the “5E Players Handbook”:
Page 70 – This is the basic features of a Fighter Character.
Here you can be a Battle Master or Eldritch Knight who also uses some Magic Spells.
Then add the book “Xanathar’s Guide To Everything” Page 27 to add more Fighter Options to your character and “Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything” Page 41 for even more options to add to your fighter.
Then you can also do this for the other characters listed in the options.
“Xanathar’s Guide To Everything” and “Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything” also contain additions to the Dungeons Masters Guide for more game creation options.
Now add “Volo’s Guide To Monsters” and “Monsters Of The Multiverse” and you can play as monsters from these books as new races that have been added to the Player’s Handbook section.
There is some overlap between the books with the new character races but “Monsters Of The Multiverse” is supposed to be the new main rule book of the two.
Then there are new monster lists to use from these two books for the new campaigns in the “multiverse” to create your own adventures with.